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Fresh Fruit Strawberry Margaritas

Today we are going to talk about something that is near and dear to my heart! We’ll be making fresh fruit strawberry margaritas! No mixers, and no high fructose corn syrup, just real limes and strawberries! Nothing irks me more than going to a restaurant and asking for a flavored margarita, and they come back with a sour, thick, “margarita,” filled with concentrated syrup and sugars. I can hear the tequila Gods crying about such travesty. Yes, I am THAT person that sends drinks back! In my defense I learned my lesson a long time ago and always ask if a drink is “made with mix” prior to ordering.

I made these strawberry margaritas for my birthday weekend! It was my first time making them in such a large quantity, but they were a huge success! The tequila is subtle but packs a punch, so enjoy responsibly! This is my first Beautiful Bebidas post, where I’ll feature healthier versions of cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages! I’m guilty of wining and dining over the weekends, so although alcohol isn’t necessarily healthy, there are always creative tweaks for making your favorite drinks a little less bad for you. (Insert salsa dancing emoji girl here!)

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Fresh Fruit Strawberry Margaritas
Recipe type: Cocktails
Cuisine: Mexican
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 15
Fresh Fruit Authentic Strawberry Margaritas
  • 2 lbs strawberries
  • 15 large limes + 3 for garnish
  • 3 oranges
  • 12 oz agave nectar
  • 500-750 ml tequila
  • 10 lbs ice
  • optional sugar for the rim
  1. Wash all the fruit and set aside.
  2. Remove stems from strawberries, slice 15 limes and oranges into halves.
  3. Fill blender with 1 lb of strawberries and top off with ice, blend through and pour into beverage dispenser until all the strawberries are blended. (How many times you'll actually repeat this step will depend on how big your blender is.)
  4. Using lime squeezer, squeeze juice of 15 limes directly into beverage dispenser. Cut remaining 3 limes into thin slices, and toss into dispenser.
  5. Squeeze juice out of three oranges and toss into dispenser as well.
  6. Pour agave nectar into beverage dispenser.
  7. Pour 500-750 ml of tequila into dispenser, I began with 500 ml and ended up finishing the entire 750 ml bottle.
  8. Half an hour before guests arrive, carefully put 8 lbs of ice into beverage dispenser and stir for a couple minutes.
  9. Rim serving glasses with sugar, and fill with ice for margaritas on the rocks. Enjoy!

Fresh Fruit Strawberry Margaritas15743g1g1g0mg2mg33g4g

I used one of my faves, Don Julio tequila, but feel free to purchase your favorite tequila! My only ask is that you purchase tequila that’s made with 100% agave! Don’t sacrifice the quality of the drinks by purchasing the cheapest bottle you can find! You and your guests will thank me later!


Don’t be surprised when your first batch of strawberries and ice puree doesn’t look like much once it’s poured into the giant beverage dispenser. You’ll do this twice, for a total of roughly 10 cups of puree (pics above). The puree will be somewhat thick and full of flavor. When the ice is added into the beverage dispenser, it’ll naturally dilute the margaritas into the perfect ratio of strawberries to ice. I used a total of 10 lbs of ice, about 2 lbs blended with the puree, and the rest was actually inside the beverage dispenser. If you’ll be serving this at a party, wait to put the remaining 8 lbs of ice into the dispenser until just before the party begins, you don’t want it to dilute too much. Once the ice is added the beverage should multiply by 2 or 3 times. For reference, I have a 3 gallon beverage dispenser.

A trick that I swear by, is to fill up an air tight freezer bag with ice, zip it back up, and toss it into the pitcher. I actually have one in this pitcher, it’s hard to see, but it’s there! This prevents all the ice from melting too fast and keeps drinks ice cold without over diluting the beverage. Mix throughout the party as the fruit tends to settle. The cute “cantarito” cups are from a trip to Mexico! Literally bringing a taste of Mexico to my cocina! Salud!

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