FTC 101 for Influencers
Disclaimer: This is the most up-to-date information as of November 2019, please refer to FTC.gov for the most accurate information.
Why does this matter? Well according to the Federal Trade Commission, “Telling your followers about these kinds of relationships is important because it helps keep your recommendations honest and truthful, and it allows people to weigh the value of your endorsements.” And that’s on being transparent!
Here is the official .pdf guide from the FTC: Disclosures for Social Media Influencers
In true blogger fashion, I created my own social media friendly version!! Please share and tag me, I hope these are helpful and I am happy to be a resource if you have any more questions!
When it’s gifted, disclose.
When it’s free, disclose.
When it’s a special perk, disclose.
When in doubt, disclose.
As a social media influencer it’s your responsibility to properly disclose. End of story.